Monthly Archives: May 2010

A collection of short thoughts #2

I notice how teachers dress up a little more on parent-teacher interview day. Some men will choose only those days to wear a suit. I don’t even wear a suit to job interviews. It’s not Halloween. I go as my self every day.

If someone used the word “stretch” to describe something getting smaller, I’m sure most people would object. And yet some math textbooks and teachers do this. I think high school math gets abstract enough that straying from intuitive meaning could confuse the hell out of students.

How do airplanes manage with the tiniest wheels?

I joined a Celebrity Death Pool this year, where you pick who you think will kick the bucket this year. Sort of like fantasy baseball, but it’s harder to choose your team. You can’t have a go-to guy like in fantasy baseball. Albert Pujols and Roy Halladay will always produce, but there is no such thing as a reliable dier.

Candy brands, like M&Ms and Smarties, have had contests of “what should the next colour be?” and let their fans vote. I think they should do this with sweet peppers. Red, orange, yellow, green. What will be next? You decide! (pick purple).

I just heard of the book, “John Dies at the End”. This is a brilliant title for a book, because now I want to read it without knowing anything about it. Well, anything else.

Lost has finally ended. I never watched it, but still was entertained by it. Know what’s better than watching Lost? Reading the various “WTF!” status updates on Facebook after each episode.

Subway Pigeon

So a pigeon rode the subway. Big deal, I heard about that at least a month ago, along with the YouTube video. It must have been a slow news day for it to have made the front page of the Star’s GTA section.

Two thoughts from this:
1: Are you kidding me? Who cares? And somehow people are saying, “Damn, that’s one smart pigeon.” Even if the same pigeon came back to the subway, it’s more likely that the pigeon deemed it a safe place with food scraps than it thought, “Hmm, it’s an easier way to get to High Park, peck peck peck”
2: Do newspapers save stories like this for slow news days? I mean, reallllly slow news days.

Link: Pigeon gets off at Runnymede station
Link: A year-old video of another TTC pigeon